More Than Just an Ad: How to Provide Value to Your Customers

3d illustration of tailor working

When it comes to providing for your customers, you know that what you sell (whether it’s a delicious meal or a helpful service) has to come with an added value that sets you apart from the rest. In today’s blog, we will be exploring ways to add value to what you offer your customers — and how to incorporate that value into your bench ad campaign.

Put people first

Even in today’s constantly evolving industries, it’s always important to remember who you are serving. Get to know your customer base to understand the unique needs, preferences and characteristics that make up this unique group of people, and constantly be on the lookout for new ways you can help them. This dedication to the customer will show in the products or services you provide.

Innovate… even in small ways

Don’t feel the need to stick to the same processes just because “that’s how they’ve always been done.” Branch out and innovate in ways that make your products better — and your customers’ lives easier.

Offer more for less

Obviously, offering more items for a lesser price is a sure way to attract customers — but there’s much more to value, too. Make your products and services more attractive and effective by packaging them together and offering them in unbeatable bundles. Customers will walk away confident that they can’t find the same combination of goods anywhere else, and they will appreciate it.

Establish rewards

For loyal customers, it’s always smart to institute some type of rewards or customer loyalty program. Whether you offer special perks to return customers, give discounts for referrals or provide a special something after every “nth” visit, these programs can set you apart from the competition while showing your customers that you care beyond that initial transaction.

Make your value clear to customers

Finally, once you’ve established points of value in your business, find ways to advertise them! Whether your added value comes in the way you make ice cream/arrange flowers/teach (whatever it may be), be sure to advertise that unique point in your ads across multiple platforms. This will allow drivers and pedestrians to see and recognize your business as one truly unique from similar ones nearby, making them more likely to stop by and do business with you.

With the right tools and strategies, advertising the value of your company can be a seamless process —one that gets customers in the door and keeps them returning time and time again.

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