Have You Heard the News in Hernando County?

Outdoor Advertising in Hernando County, Florida

In the summer of 2014, COA was awarded the contract from a bidding process issued by Hernando County, Florida for the installation and the maintenance of advertising bus benches and shelters. Installations are well underway for the Plaza Bench with the Integrated Trash Receptacle, the Boulevard Bench and the Parkside Bus Shelter.

What a way to start off 2015! On January 7, THE BUS hosted a ribbon cutting event at 7377 Broad Street in Brooksville, at the former Sonic location near Wal-Mart. The event went without a hitch with Ron Pianta, Assistant County Administrator, Nick Nicholson, County Commissioner, David Gray, President of COA and Karl Rumeo, COA’s Operations Manager present.

Hernando County will start off with 24 benches and 5 shelters, all provided by COA at no cost to the County, instead, advertising will be sold on the amenities to fund and sustain the project. Local businesses will now have a great opportunity to gain additional exposure. The amenities are attractive and functional and will be a great asset for the public.

For more information on COA’s products and services and advertising opportunities, please contact: Municipal@CreativeOutdoor.com or Sales@CreativeOutdoor.com

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